In 2020 I…

I try to reflect on each year as it closes for the sake of seeing progress, being thankful, recognizing potential dips and more. Typically, I just reflect in general in my journal as a way to remember but I saw someone else mention this list as a means to plan for the new year but why not use it to reflect on the past? So, in an effort to reflect on the insanity of 2020…
In 2020 I…
I QUIT feeling like I had to wear a full face of makeup to leave the house. Once, I was so concerned with covering ever imperfection that I drove myself crazy thinking others were just as critical of me as I was of myself. I’m not saying I now look in the mirror and see perfection but I’m learning to show myself the same mercy I would gladly give to any of my girlfriends.
I STARTED several fun traditions with my squad. I’ve said it before but I didn’t NOT enjoy the quarantine. We really did make our own fun and it was these moments that helped this time of chaos be a time of personal growth for me. I love my squad and I’m so thankful the Lord saw fit to put them in my life.
I VISITED Vicksburg on a girl’s road trip extravaganza for Rachel’s birthday. We actually spent a lot of 2020 going on these strange little road trips to all the exotic places south Mississippi has to offer which led us to many a small town four way stop but it’s been so much fun. The conversations had on those back roads have cemented lifetime friendships!
I ACCEPTED that you won’t always be able to set the record straight when people choose to hate you which is a very hard truth for this Enneagram 2 soul but some people hate you for things outside of your control or because of lies they have created. You can’t reason with people who are fighting you because of their own demons but you can pray for them and ask the Lord to give you the grace to handle the situation.
I HONORED my grandmother by using her supplies and the sewing machine she gave me to sew masks in the early part of the pandemic. Her creativity and love of sewing was so much a part of who she was and I am so thankful for this tangible tie to her memory. I know she would have been very proud of my efforts though slightly frustrated with my crooked seams.
I LEARNED how blessed I have been with my church family. It’s been one of those times when you realize how much you take things for granted. My church family has gone over and beyond to be the hands and feet of Jesus during this chaos and I have been so encouraged by their love.
I GAVE more of myself to my job than I thought possible. I thought teachers were already working over and beyond in their regular lives and if you had asked me last year if we could have given more I would have told you no but here we are and that’s exactly what has happened. This has been one of the most challenging and overwhelming years of my career but I’ve also learned some great lessons and had some great moments of joy.
I ATE more Mexican food than is probably good for one person but man, it was such a fun part our squad’s quarantine road trips. Turns out that nachos are a great replacement for eating tacos in the car.
I HAVE worked to grow the blog beyond what I dreamed possible. We’ve posted twice a week for the last year which means by the end of the year we will have posted 104 times. I also made the decision to purchase our domain and try a bit of self-promotion, which I hate but I know is necessary. I think the strangest thing that has come out of this jump into intentional blogging is that we’ve gone from our readers being family and friends, to having readers in other countries which is bonkers to me!
I INVESTED in my future by intentionally trying to grow as a person. I’ve spent the last year trying to step outside my comfort zone. I’ve worked to try to understand my personality, thought processes, fears and more. This blog has become a time capsule of what the Lord has been teaching me and I think my ultimate goal has been to work to have a teachable spirit that the Lord can mold.
Obviously, 2020 has not gone according to anyone’s plan but I’m learning to take unexpected steps in expectation of what the Lord has planned because in the end, this year has not surprised Him at all.