
When I was a kid we would take field trips to the USS Alabama in Mobile. This journey would take us through “the tunnel” where every school child knew to hold their breath. It was always an adventure to see who could make it to the end without giving up and everyone would fall into gasps of laughter as we exited back into the light. That sweet relief found in inhaling the very needed oxygen made for a great spiritual lesson many years down the road.
For a long time in my spiritual journey, I got by on Sunday mornings, Wednesday evenings and the little bits sprinkled in between. I loved God, I knew Him but I had missed the beauty of a daily walk with Him. I missed the wisdom and discernment that comes with this time. I missed the conviction and repentance I so clearly needed. I didn’t crave God’s Word. I didn’t long to hear from Him or get excited to open the Scriptures like I did for the latest novel I was reading. I knew I needed more and I desired to desire more but it wasn't until I felt I had nowhere else to turn that I truly grasped the beauty of this relationship that I heard spiritual giants in my life describe craving.
This moment came several years ago, when I felt at my wits end so I finally made an intentional choice to sit down every morning and see what the Father wanted to chat about. Like any relationship, it was awkward at first, I felt guilty for staying away and for failing so many times but what I came to realize very quickly was that there was no condemnation in coming to the throne. Like any loving Father, He was glad to be with me. He wanted to offer me advice. He wanted to hear about my highs and lows. He truly cared and more than that I realized that if I actually stopped to listen, He was speaking directly to me.
As I began my journey to walking in step with the Lord daily, I did begin to crave my time with the Father. I craved reading His Word. I craved pouring my heart out before Him. I craved praising Him for all He had done and was doing. My time with God became something I craved like oxygen. The sweet relief from the moments in life where I’ve held my breath in fear and anxiety. The life-giving balm for a broken heart and shattered dreams. I have learned to excitedly enter into my time with God and to boldly pour out my heart to Him. It refreshes my soul, gives me the energy to keep going and the hope for my next moment. It is my oxygen.