Mar 29, 2023
"Don't be too careful..."
“Don’t be careless but don’t be too careful. You can’t be afraid to lose.” ~Coach Orion (The Mighty Ducks 3) I love quotes of all kinds...

Mar 22, 2023
Life Lessons: Opportunities (Joseph)
Reading: Genesis 41 I. HATE. WAITING. I hate it with a burning fiery passion deep in my soul. Everything within me recoils against having...

Mar 15, 2023
Book Review: Sassy, Single and Satisfied Devotional by Michelle McKinney Hammond
I found Michelle McKinney Hammond in college and I’ve been hooked on her books ever since then. She is funny, relatable and full of the...

Mar 8, 2023
Mystery Meals: Russian Chicken
Yay for the first mystery meal of 2023! We have so many new readers so let me explain what this series is all about. Growing up I was...

Mar 1, 2023
Hey Y'all: The Wrap-Up (February 2023)
For the links to all the resources, click the PDF below.