Mar 8, 2023
Mystery Meals: Russian Chicken
Yay for the first mystery meal of 2023! We have so many new readers so let me explain what this series is all about. Growing up I was...

Jul 13, 2022
Mystery Meals: Biscuits
This is one of those recipes that I love to find in my magical box for a variety of reasons. One, it’s written in my grandmother’s very...

Mar 16, 2022
Mystery Meals: Reuben Quiche
I like strong flavors and interesting foods so I’m not a huge sandwich fan but if I end up at a deli I’m going to pick a Reuben sandwich...

Feb 24, 2022
Mystery Meals: Vegetable Nut Loaf
The Mystery Meals series is without a doubt one of my favorite things to do for the blog because it connects me to my grandmother who has...

Dec 8, 2021
Mystery Meals: Pecan Pie Muffins
As I search through my grandmother’s recipe box for a mystery item to make, I have come to realize how many of my options either don’t...

Apr 21, 2021
Mystery Meals: ???
This series is the one I’ve been most excited about starting because it’s something I’ve wanted to do for a long time and this gives me...