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Bailey Tries... Sherbet Puppy Chow

Hey Y’all! If you listened to the most recent episode of Hey Y’all: The Podcast, you’ll know our Yummies Y’all for the week was “Sherbet Puppy Chow”. As I’ve mentioned before, I’m trying to be as gluten free as humanly possible without driving myself crazy but that has changed the way I do “group” food. Anytime, I eat out with someone or head to a gathering with food, I have to think about what I can have and if it is something said other peoples would want. Luckily, if done smartly, you can do puppy chow in a plethora of ways that are all gluten free. (You can also do it in a plethora of ways that are very gluten filled so be smart.)

Since we are headed into true summer, I thought this seemed like a simple but delicious treat that didn’t feel “different” and I knew the girls would love it. Quick question, is the term “puppy chow” a southern thing? Like will our non-southern listeners think we’re bonkers? Y’all know we like to give stuff cute names.

I’m going to be honest and say, I don’t think I’ve ever made puppy chow, which seems like a failure in my southern culinary upbringing. I have made haystacks so maybe that balances it out? This was so simple and you can find the original recipe here but essentially, you microwave candy melts of your color choosing and mix in rice Chex. Then you coat it in a mixture of powdered sugar and Jello. Done. HOW SIMPLE IS THAT?!? I’ll say that the lime flavor came through loud and clear but the orange was barely noticeable. I think next time, I’ll do less powdered sugar and the same amount of Jello.

Here’s what got me excited… Think of all the combos you could make? I even saw other recipes that use pudding mix. You could have lemonade, cherry or strawberry with Chocolate Chex, cherry limeade and I know what you’re thinking… “Those are great for summer but what about fall?” Chocolate Chex and cheesecake mix, Apple Cinnamon Chex and caramel mix, you could even throw in a pumpkin spice mix for fun.

How great is that and so simple that it should have occurred to me YEARS ago? Also, let’s be honest, the fact that you can make your mix match any party color scheme is beyond great! Give these a shot and please pass along all the flavor combos you can think of for my future culinary adventures!


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