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Blogmas: Part 3

Holiday Adventure

This year's holiday adventure is a little different that the past few years but that's okay. Scheduling with friends, family and work can often make holiday trips next to impossible and let's be honest, a stressful vacation isn't a vacation at all. So, this year we decided to do a "staycation" of sorts with our crew and make it as merry and festive as possible.

By now, you probably know that we have a podcast, Hey Y'all, premiering in January so this day was perfect for cozying up in PJs while drinking hot coffee and recording a couple of future episodes. To see more about this day or any of the antics we get up to with Hey Y'all: The Podcast, you can follow us on Instagram.

What’s Your Christmas Eve and Day Schedule?

This year is a bit different with Christmas falling on a Sunday because our church is doing the service on Christmas Day instead of the evening. Growing up, however, we typically do a Christmas Eve service as a family and open Christmas gifts on Christmas Day. As a kid, we would do family gifts at night and then Santa gifts in the morning. Did Santa wrap your gifts? He always wrapped ours but I find it strange how many people grew up with him not wrapping theirs. Funny how traditions start.

What does Christmas mean to me?

Christmas... how can you sum that up quickly? Hope, joy, light, expectation. Family, love, tradition, memories. Gifts, glitter, bows, candlelight.

My Christmas Classroom

We made an agreement on our hall ages ago that we were okay with having a tacky Christmas. Fun, festive and cheap because we're teachers and stuff's expensive. I decided, personally, that I wanted my room and the hall to be festive because we spend 8+ hours a day in school so I want to have something that makes my heart happy. Lectures are a lot easier in December when the tree is twinkling in the corner. This year, even Annabelle got in on the tacky Christmas experience.

Also, I wasn't ready to give up Gene from my Homecoming Week decor so I updated him a bit for the season. I don't think he'd mind.


This is still my go to festive outfit because it looks Christmasy but it "feels" more appropriate for Christmas in the South where it's potentially 75 outside.

A Christmas Confession: I Hate Frosty

I can’t point to an exact moment that led to this hatred but of how I don’t enjoy him. I hate the song, I hate the movie, I hate the stuff sold with his face on it. It’s completely irrational and a bit out of character but I want nothing to do with him. Perhaps it’s because I’ve always dreamed of seeing a white Christmas and he’s never come to visit me…

Favorite Holiday Lyrics

I've been trying to think of what my response to this would be because there are so many that just speak to my soul... I love all Christmas music but this lyric has always filled me with sentimental swelling in my heart and moved me to tears at times...

From "I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day"

And in despair I bowed my head;"There is no peace on earth," I said;"For hate is strong, And mocks the song Of peace on earth, good-will to men!" Then pealed the bells more loud and deep: "God is not dead, nor doth He sleep The Wrong shall fail, The Right prevail, With peace on earth, good-will to men."

2023 Resolutions

Over the years I've learned that resolutions are nice guides but terrible masters. I was very successful with some of my 2022 resolutions and miserable at others but overall, I can see growth and change which is nice. Always becoming, always learning. I never want to be stagnant. While I won't share all of my resolutions for the coming year, I do have a few which include living with a hopeful expectation for the Lord's plan, working to promote our new podcast and using that platform for God's glory, and learning to be comfortable in my vulnerability, both in relationships and through various platforms. Truthfully, I've seen God do so many amazing things in the past year, many of which feel like they are just getting started. I guess my ultimate goal is to let go and let God move as He sees fit which, for this control freak, can be a scary but freeing proposition.


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