Life Lessons: Hopes and Dreams (Mary)
Reading: Luke 1
Can you imagine being in Mary’s shoes? At Mary’s age? When you read the beginning of her story and the song of praise that fills her heart, you can’t help but wonder at the ability to see so much hope in what could only be described as a bit of a chaotic plan. Don’t get me wrong. Obviously, the Lord’s plan is the best plan but have you noticed that the Father rarely chooses the easy, logical way out of a situation? That’s why faith is so crucial.
It is obvious from the opening chapter of Luke that Mary walked in a spirit of faith. I think if an angel came and told me something so overwhelmingly unbelievable I’d not have replied with “Sounds good. Guess I’ll go see my cousin for a little trip.” No, if it had been up to me, I’d have clung to Gabriel with a death grip asking all the questions my mind could blurt out at the moment and suggesting that he find someone better qualified. Absolutely petrified of what was to come, my heart would not have been filled with belief.
However, when reality hits her, Mary praises the Lord for all that has happened and all that He has instore for His people. She praises Him for who He is and for the power that He displays. And ultimately, she praises Him for His continued faithfulness that now included her. What a beautiful legacy.
My favorite verse in this passage is verse 45, “Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill His promises to her!” I love it because it reflects Elizabeth’s view on Mary long before she pours her heart out, telling me that Mary lived with a countenance of faith. But I also like it because the same blessing can be ours. The Lord is still working, planning and making promises. Every day we are called to trust the Father with the big, small and in between. Sometimes we can see Him working and sometimes we can’t but either way we can trust Him to be faithful because He is a faithful God.
Mary’s faith wasn’t some blind belief but rather a trusting relationship that allowed her to bask in the glory of being included in what, to most, would seem like a chaotic and scary plan. But a plan that she knew was divinely ordained and certain to be fulfilled. She didn’t know all that this step of obedience would bring about in her life but she could allow her hopes and dreams to rest in the arms of a Father she trusted and so can we.
Today’s Prayer
Thank you Father for your faithfulness and for seeing fit to include me in Your amazing and magnificent plans. Please help me to step out in faith when I can’t understand Your ways with my faith firmly resting on who You are rather than what might come.