Life Lessons: Running (Moses)

Reading: Exodus 2
While most of us won’t be called to start a rebellion or lead a nation, I feel Moses is still a very relatable character. He was unsure of himself, he sinned, he ran away, he hid. Actually, Moses might not be the character description you would expect for a great leader. Funny how often that happens with God’s choices, huh?
At the beginning of Exodus, we see God’s people crying out from the bondage they are in and we see God setting the stage for the future. Moses is born and then hidden away for his own protection, where he is found by the very people who wanted him dead. Have you noticed how the Lord often sends us directly into what seems like a disaster only to find the answers there? The way God weaves our lives together is incredible while also being terrifying at times.
Moses grew up in the palace among those who viewed his people as chattel and yet, this was the beginning of his mission. You may think that the moment Moses chose to kill a man and run away from his people was the moment he lost his opportunity to do something great. Would you have run? See, this is why I feel Moses is so relatable. He’s sinned, he’s scared, he’s running and eventually hiding. I’ve had those moments too but, like Moses, you can’t hide from God Almighty. He sees you and yes, he takes your failures into consideration. What seemed like the end of Moses’ story was really the beginning of a season of preparation but that is a conversation for another day.
Today’s Prayer
Thank you for the times I have felt that my failures and fears have erased my hope or future. Thank you for seeing me no matter where I go or what I do. Help me to remember that I’m never alone.