Homecoming Week 2018
I've talked about embracing certain aspects of immaturity on the blog before and all the ways you can stay young at heart when you're maybe not so young in body and dressing up has got to be one of my favorites. Every year when Homecoming rolls around I get excited because I know we have a whole week of creativity and craziness. Perhaps we don't get quite as much work done as in other weeks but students and teachers get to bond and have a great time. Here is how this year went...
Day 1: Space Day
I have always wanted to wear a wig and saw this as my golden opportunity! I am still finding glitter and stars in my class, car, living room and bed.

Day 2: Tropical Day
I'm pretty sure I wore that shirt and hair clip for Hawaiian Day my senior year in high school. Don't fix what ain't broken!

Day 3: The Wild Wild West
I don't know what concerns me more...the fact that I have a dog hat on my head or that I already owned all of these pieces as part of my regular wardrobe. Maybe I should move to Texas?

Day 4: Throwback Thursday
This is probably the most "extra" I've been in a while. I had to go in public dressed like this because I forgot something for class. Also, I've worn this shirt unironically as part of a choir performance. Spread the Sparkle!

Day 5: Black and Gold Day

Extra: HOCO 2017
This one is extra but it is by far one of my favorite costumes of all the Homecoming weeks I've ever participated in...teacher or student. It was for Christmas Day last year and luckily for me Meg is a good friend who goes along with my crazy ideas. She wore her 5K stuff and I wore my dance stuff and we went as Dasher and Dancer. This might have been the peak of my creativity! I love it!!!