Aug 9, 2023
Must Haves: Back to School Edition
Back to school is a time of nerves, fresh starts, hopes, anxieties and more. Starting off right is so crucial but often overwhelming....

Dec 29, 2021
2021 Self-Reflection: Part 2
I can't believe that this is the last post of 2021! How did this year fly by, yet, the days seemed to take forever? I think we are all...

Jun 9, 2021
A Teacher’s Reflection
The 2020-2021 school year has just come to a close and never in over a decade of teaching have I felt so many emotions. How can you feel...

Oct 31, 2018
Homecoming Week 2018
I've talked about embracing certain aspects of immaturity on the blog before and all the ways you can stay young at heart when you're...

May 12, 2018
Happy (Belated) Teacher Appreciation Week!
I know I’m a week or so behind but in honor of Teacher Appreciation week and the end of the year, here are my teaching stats: 🍎How many...